The scientific miracle of tawaf around the kaaba

The scientific miracle of tawaf around the kaaba

“And proclamation to the people, from Allah and His Messenger, on the Day of the Great Pilgrimage, that Allah and His Messenger, disavow the associators. If you repent, it will be better for you. But if you turn away, know that you will not make Allah powerless. And announce a painful punishment to those who do not believe.” (Attawba (Repentance: 3) 


Allah ordered the performance of the pilgrimage and the U'umra (the small pilgrimage) to Mecca, this particular place which constitutes the first place where Allah is worshiped on earth.


The scientific miracle of tawaf around the kaaba

The Muslim who performs the pilgrimage or Umrah must circle around the Kaaba (called T'awaf: ritual circumambulations) 7 times starting with the black stone and ending with the black stone.

It should be noted that this tour is done in the opposite direction of the clockwise hands (from left to right) which is the same circular of the universe: in fact, the electron rotates around itself then it rotates around the atomic nucleus in the same direction as that of T'awaf which is done in opposition to the hands of the watch even the atoms inside all the fluids move in the same movement.


Also, all living cells move inside in a circular motion, the protoplasm moves in a circular motion in the same direction as that of the earth which revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth as well as the whole group solar which revolves around the center of the galaxy and the latter revolves around the center of the galactic circle which, in turn revolves around the center of the universe (which Allah alone teaches) and all rotates against the hands of the watch.

The egg as it exits the uterine tube (called Falllop's tube) on its way to the bottom of the uterus, it rotates against the hands of the watch surrounded by sperm which in turn rotate in the same meaning as that of the pilgrims around the Kaaba; and what is fascinating and bizarre is that all the bodies of living beings which are made up of protein - which are too complex monomers - as well as animate acids - which are made up of five elements (carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Sulfur. Nétroujeen) - are arranged around the carbon atom which is arranged from left (to right) in the same direction as that of the circumambulation around the Kaaba.

Sources :

1- “the miraculous signs in the sacred Quran” By: Doctor Zagloul ANNAJJAR

2- “seminar by Doctor Mohamed Jamil ALHIBAL on the Aljazeera channel: Program: legislation and life (SHARI’A- WA- AL HAYATTE) Monday 02/12/1422 H / 05/06/2001 G”

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